How it Works
To get precise output of conversion process with the tool, it is important that you are familiar with its step by step functioning. This segment aims to provide guidelines to work with the tool so that optimal output is received at users end.
Look into the requirements to install the solution in system, download, and run it in machine and follow the steps mentioned below:
- On the welcome screen, click on "Open" button to add EDB file into the tool for conversion.
- Click on "Browse" button and navigate to the system partition where EDB file to be converted is saved. Select the file and click Open button.
Note: Make a point to define Exchange database type. If priv.edb file is selected, choose "Mailboxes" and if pub.edb is selected choose "Public Folders".
- If the EDB file is corrupt, it is recommended to enable "Do Advance Scan" option.
STEP 4: Scan is completed
- When the software is done with scanning process, it will give information about the same through message on screen.
STEP 5: Click on Save as PDF
- On the Preview Pane of the software, there is provision to perform following tasks:
- Have a detailed view of mailboxes and folders in it. Click on the mail folders in the left panel and its detailed description will be available in right-pane of tool.
- From the left-pane, check/uncheck folders that you wish to include/exclude from conversion process.
- In the menu bar, click on "Save as PDF" button to start the export process.
STEP 6: Browse destination path
- Select a destination folder where the conversion output has to be saved.
STEP 7: Check out the location
- The software will give details about the export process: Pending data for conversion, data in process, and data that has been converted.
STEP 8: Live Status Report
- When the conversion process is finished, the tool will inform about it via a message that states the process is complete and where is the conversion output saved.
STEP 9: Click Yes to Finish
- To exit the running instance of the tool, close the window. A confirmation message will pop up on screen. Click Yes to exit running instance of tool.