How it Works

Steps By Step Guide to Know How to Open & Read Unmounted Exchange EDB Files

For obtaining perfect results out of tool, it is necessary to operate it in right manner. Therefore, in this section we will illustrate you how to use the tool with working steps and screen shots so that precise results can observed at end.

STEP 1: Launch the Tool

STEP 2: Add EDB File

STEP 3. Browse EDB File

STEP 4: Quick and Advance scan

STEP 5: Scanning completed

  • Software will prompt the alert message stating that scanning of file completed successfully, click on 'Ok'.

STEP 6: Index the searched items

  • In the next step, software will ask you whether you want to index (search) items found in scanning process. Click on 'Yes' if you want to index, this might take few seconds to proceed.

STEP 7: Preview items via different views

  • In this step, users can take a preview of all EDB file items like emails, contacts, calendars, tasks and journals etc in multiple views.
    • Normal Mail View: Use this view to take a view of email body
    • Hex View: To view the hex code of particular email
    • Properties View: To see the attribute of message
    • Message Header View: To view the header of the email
    • MIME View: For forensic use only
    • HTML View: To view the coded language of email
    • RTF View: To view the formatting of an email
    • Attachments View: To view the embedded attachment of the email

You can also switch the view mode of the emails i.e. Horizontal View and Vertical views are available.

STEP 8: Properties View

  • Users can click on any of the view to check the respective properties of emails, just like this is the Properties view of message shown in below image:

STEP 9: Search desired items

  • Software has unique 'Search' feature that help you to search emails by specific keywords or terms.Click on 'Search' option provided into menu bar of software and type the keyword for mail you want to search. 'Add Criteria' option is provided for users to perform filter email search by selecting BCC, CC, Modification date and sent date wise etc as per needs.

STEP 10: Partial and Exact match

  • Once the search process gets completed, software will enlist all related items to users matching to the exact keyword which is typed by user. Software will highlight the items matching the keyword for referring process.

STEP 11: Click on Export

  • In the last step if users wish to export EDB file mails to PDF file format then upgrade to Pro version of tool. Then click on 'Export' option provided in the menu bar of software to export all emails to PDF format, else users can select the necessary files to export as PDF by checking or unchecking the files from software.

STEP 12: Apply Mail Filter

  • Clicking on 'Export' option will display Export options to users, under which users can select the items to export as PDF. Users can also apply mail filtersand select the naming convention as per needs. Provide the desired destination location to save the exported data and click on 'Export'.

STEP 13: Click OK to Finish

  • The software will alert users with message stating Export process is completed, click on 'Ok' to proceed.